Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

System Developer

We are looking for a system developer who’s interested in development and management of both hardware and software systems, as well as diagnosing and resolving system faults. Among other things, this role also includes researching of “How it works?” and “How to improve the way it works?”. Sounds tempting?

The System Developer will be responsible for:

Our ideal candidate has excellent knowledge of and three years of experience with:

Also, he/she should have knowledge of:

Experience or knowledge in one of the following items will be considered as an extra bonus:

These are some of the desirable skills:

Aplica para el puesto

Déjanos tu información de contacto y adjunta tu CV y algunos ejemplos de tu trabajo si los tienes. ¡Te responderemos lo antes posible!

¡Contáctanos en cualquier momento!

Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre nuestros productos, oportunidades de carrera o si solo quieres saludar, estaremos encantados de responderte.
