
Descubre todo sobre NSoft, nuestros nuevos productos, noticias de la industria de iGaming y eventos próximos.

Noticias / Entrevistas y Editoriales


Cinco Ventajas Clave de la Solución de Sportsbook de NSoft

Obtén la primicia sobre por qué el Sportsbook de NSoft es la elección favorita de los operadores. Desde experiencias multicanal hasta datos de alta calidad e integración fácil con la plataforma, descubre las principales ventajas que hacen que esta solución se destaque del resto.

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


Innovations in Payment Methods: Transforming Betting and iGaming Industry

Discover the future of iGaming through its evolving payment methods. From the rise of e-wallets and cryptocurrencies to the potential of biometrics and AI, delve into how technology is reshaping the betting world and what it means for players and stakeholders alike

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


Cómo Empezar un Negocio de Apuestas en Línea: Una Guía para Principiantes

Empieza tu camino en el negocio de apuestas en línea con nuestra guía experta. Descubre el proveedor de plataforma ideal, estrategias inteligentes de presupuesto, claves sobre licencias y todo lo necesario para un inicio exitoso.

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


Estrategias para el Éxito: Modelos de Negocio que Impulsan la Industria del iGaming

Descubre las estrategias de la industria del iGaming: el poder de las plataformas directas al jugador, la columna vertebral de las soluciones backend y el cambio de juego que representa el marketing de afiliados. Sumérgete, obtén información y entiende cómo navegar y ganar en este mundo tan dinámico.

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


iGaming’s Social Impact: Responsible Gaming and Gambling Disorder

Join us as we investigate the social impact of iGaming, a rapidly growing industry. While the economic benefits are significant, the increase in problem gambling cannot be overlooked. This article discusses the significance of responsible gaming, the role of iGaming companies and regulators, and the industry's future.

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


Impact of Blockchain Technology on Betting and iGaming Industry

Dive into potential of blockchain in the iGaming and betting industry. From heightened security to improved fairness, uncover the benefits, challenges, and future implications of this disruptive technology for both traditional and emerging operators.

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NSoft Ingresa al Mercado Turco con Juegos Exclusivos de Apuestas Virtuales

In a strategic move, NSoft has partnered with 106 Dijital to launch Virtual Penalty Shootout and Keno for three operators. This exclusive partnership makes NSoft one of the few companies in the Turkish market offering a virtual betting experience.

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


Role of AI and Machine Learning in iGaming and Betting

Explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the iGaming and betting industry. Learn how these technologies amplify user experience, fortify security with advanced fraud detection, and promise a more connected, immersive, and secure future.

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


The Rise of Mobile iGaming: Past, Present, and Future

Take a deep dive into the world of mobile iGaming with us. Discover its historical evolution, understand the forces currently driving its growth, and get a glimpse into a future full of promising opportunities in the face of evolving regulations and expanding markets.

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