
NSoft’s Pre-Match Self Managed available on Balkan Bet terminals


Sportsbook’s Pre-Match Self Managed has found its way to the new channel, making it now available in retail, web, and terminals.

NSoft’s client Balkan Bet was the first to introduce it on its terminals as well.

Pre-Match Self Managed is a very convenient solution for the betting operators who want to customize their offer to the highest possible level. It enables them to flirt with the betting offer possibilities – when it comes to the event or offer type. It is a very convenient tool for those who want to meet players’ expectations. Self Managed helps betting operators to create small, fine details within the Pre-Match sports betting operations respecting the players’ habits at the same time.

Find out more on NSoft’s Sportsbook offer and other products – book a meeting with NSoft´s Sales team.


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