

NSoft launched Next Six for Balkan Bet

Balkan Bet has enriched its portfolio by a brand new virtual game from the NSoft laboratory - Next Six, a live betting of virtual draw based games.

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NSoft launched Virtual Motorcycle Speedway and Next Six for Superbet

NSoft has launched its two new virtual games on web channel for Superbet - Next Six and Virtual Motorcycle Speedway.

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Next Six by NSoft is live betting of draw based games

NSoft released its brand new virtual game - Next Six. The best description for the game is ‘Live betting in a draw based game of chance”. It will be presented in Belgrade for the first time during Belgrade Future Gaming expo.

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NSoft is one of the most desirable employers in 2017

NSoft has been awarded with The Most Desirable Employer recognition. This award is a confirmation of interpersonal relationships and a family atmosphere that became NSoft’s trademark.

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NSoft releases Lucky Six to NetBet

NSoft released the latest version of its most lucrative game, Lucky Six, to NetBet. This Romanian sports betting operator is the first customer integrated in cooperation with software provider iSoftBet.

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


Sports Betting in Africa

Africa is a very mixed continent in terms of economic and social development. For many different reasons, Africa still remains an interesting market for numerous online operators and in coming years this trend will be more noticeable.

by Robert Matijevic

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Entrevistas y Editoriales


How to develop a gaming platform?

To develop a platform, you definitely need more than a few things available to you. The first major one is domain knowledge and experience. You absolutely need this as it will provide the development team with the necessary knowledge to grasp the specific jargon.

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